Homologation of imported electric cars.
Mexico releases tariffs on the importation of electric vehicles in Decree as of September 3, 2020, with the Decree that modifies the Tariff of the General Law of Tax on Imports and Exports, in order to promote the reduction of polluting gases in Mexican territory.
With this decree, the Mexican government plans to incentivize the commercialization and purchase of electric vehicles and create environmental awareness in the hands of the Ministry of Economy.
The rates that are modified for the purposes of the decree are the following:
New electric vehicles for the transport of ten or more people, including the driver.
New electric cars, tourism and other motor vehicles designed primarily for the transport of people, including family-type vehicles ("break" or "station wagon") and racing vehicles.
New electric vehicles for cargo of goods.
GCORP with an experience of more than 15 years in the automotive sector, offers specialized advice for a "Turn-key" homologation project, that will allow you to import and commercialize electric vehicles in Mexico, complying with all intellectual property regulations, emissions, automotive safety, identification marking and in general, all the necessary legal records.
Import of batteries as auto parts for electric vehicles
The transport of hazardous substances and materials of a maritime and air type is regulated by the following international regulations:
With regard to air transportation, we find annex 18 of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), as for European regulations we find EU Regulation No. 965/2012, in the same way we need contemplate, the IATA regulation (Association of International Air Transport) that applies directly to the transport of hazardous materials internationally in air transport.
Regarding maritime carriers, we find the IMO (International Maritime Organization), whose main function is to establish a system of international collaboration with the Member States in matters of regulation of the transport of dangerous goods, etc. Which grants an International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG code).
As for Mexico, we find NOM-004-SCT-2008 Identification systems for units destined to transport hazardous substances, materials, and wastes. Where the use that the transport units must have in this case the maritime and the area for the transport of dangerous goods is mentioned mainly.
The Material Safety Data Sheet or Safety Sheet (MSDS), is an important document that provides a very complete information on the precautions required and the measures to be taken in cases of emergency, regarding to products commonly called dangerous.
This document is regulated by the American international standard OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200, European REACH Regulation (CE) No. 1907/2006 and NOM-018-STPS-2015.
The UNE 38.3 Lithium Metal and Lithium Ion Batteries standard presents the procedures to be followed for the classification of lithium metal and lithium ion cells and batteries.
GCORP assists you in Mexico or through its representative office in Shanghai, to certify in an accredited and recognized Chinese laboratory, the modules of the automotive batteries, to obtain the pre-shipment and transportation certifications, guaranteeing the acceptance of the shipping companies or airlines, for the safety of these dangerous products.